PNWTOX simulations

Cascadia model & PNWTOX project contact information & links

Cascadia - PNWTOX modelling team

*Please address any questions regarding the website to Sarah Giddings

model output

Due to file size limitations, model run setup files and derived output are available upon request by contacting Sarah N. Giddings. Model setup files and output data are curated by Giddings on Giddings' server at SIO as well as on MacCready's server at UW. Upon request, desired files can be posted on Giddings' UCSD Google Drive account with a temporary link. For more information on other related modeling projects and products, please see the University of Washington Coastal Modelling Group

lead PNWTOX scientist

other PNWTOX scientists


University of Washington Coastal Modelling Group

Pacific NorthWest TOXins (PNWTOX) project

JISAO Seasonal Coastal Ocean Prediction of the Ecosystem (J-SCOPE)

UW Coastal Observational Group

Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms program in the Pacific NorthWest

River Influences on Shelf Ecosystems project (RISE)

University of Washington Oceanography

UW Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean (JISAO)